thats the problem - VUID - ip='2600:1f28:365:80b0:845d:4869:138e:800b' AND user_agent='CCBot/2.0 (' AND DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL 400 MINUTE) > NOW() Apartmány a pokoje Milovice u Prahy | Penzion Kotvas

Vítejte v útulném penzionu Kotvas

Pro váš skvělý zážitek uděláme maximum


Nastartujte den vydatnou snídaní

S plným žaludkem je ráno krásnější.

Check-in / check-out

Příjezd os 14:00 až do 6:00 ráno

Vyklizení pokoje do 10:00

Dětská postýlka

Nevozte s sebou zbytečnosti

Postýlku rádi zapůjčíme

21 pokojů

Pokoje se nachází v patře a v přízemí.

K dispozici máte:

  • 1x jednolůžkový pokoj
  • 5x dvojlůžkový pokoj
  • 9x třílůžkový pokoj
  • 5x čtyřlůžkový pokoj

Jednolůžkový a jeden třílůžkový pokoj má společnou kuchyňku na chodbě hned vedle pokoje.

Na pokoji je vždy jeden ručník na osobu.

Vybavení apartmánů

Všechny pokoje disponují vlastním sociálním zařízením, TV a připojením k internetu.

V kuchyňkách je k dispozici lednice, vařič, rychlovarná konvice a mikrovlnná trouba.

Máte zájem o ubytování?
Kontaktujte nás

Viditelné pouze pro vás
Action Mail:
Action URL: /pokoje/
ItemSKU / Name: 20 / Pokoje
DispecerId: 3

OnLoad / modal-top

⚡ Admio Debugger
    [Description] => Pokoje a ubytovací kapacity v penzionu Kotvas jsou k dispozici všem návštěvníkům obce Milovice a jejího okolí. 🚴‍♂️🍀Poznejte Brdy i krásu okolí středočeských Milovic nad Labem. K vidění je toho hodně a o zážitky taky nouze není🐂🐎. Těšíme se na vás🫶.
    [Module] => LandingPage
    [Name] => Pokoje
    [Title] => Apartmány a pokoje Milovice u Prahy | Penzion Kotvas
    [URI] => /pokoje/
    [co] => pokoje
    [eval] => home.php
    [level] => 4
    [parent] => 10
    [topcat] => 11
    [edit] => /upravit/page/20-pokoje/
    [HasPopup] => Array
            [1] => OnLoad / modal-top

    [Author] => PROSEO Media |
    [Branch] => Array
            [id] => 1
            [code] => 
            [type] => LocalBusiness
            [name] => Penzion Kotvas
            [description] => 

Rodinný penzion se nachází v obci Milovice nad Labem 30 km od Prahy

[logo] => logo-logo.svg [image] => [address] => 5. května 52/23 [address2] => [zip] => 289 23 [city] => Milovice [region] => [country] => cz [owner] => Jiří Kotvas [firma] => STAFKO s.r.o. [ico] => 28458907 [dic] => CZ28458907 [official_entry] => [registry_directory] => C 143027/MSPH Městský soud v Praze [invoice_entry] => [ds] => zsk32bt [phone] => +420 723 834 842 [phone2] => +420 773 535 901 [email] => [url] => [latitude] => 50.2272497 [longitude] => 14.8865025 [geocoords] => [coords] => [url_fb] => [url_ig] => [url_yt] => [url_ln] => [url_x] => [url_pt] => [url_firmy] => [url_google] => [url_gmap] =>!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2552.4756650469108!2d14.8866477!3d50.227018!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x470c07ff4c4d7bb3%3A0x8e8d36e5c1bbdadd!2sPenzion%20Kotvas!5e0!3m2!1scs!2scz!4v1706197965743!5m2!1scs!2scz [url_calendar] => [orm_google] => [orm_firmy] => [orm_fb] => [category] => [account] => [dispecer] => [openingHours] => [priceRange] => [currenciesAccepted] => [paymentAccepted] => [created] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [updated] => 2024-03-27 10:39:27 [markup] => 1 [is_default] => 1 [active] => 1 [smazano] => ) [Contact] => Array ( [Phone] => 723 834 842 [Email] => ) [Description] => Ubytujte se u nás! 👍🏻 V rodinném penzionu Kotvas v Milovicích u Prahy. Penzion Kotvas je ideální útočiště pro 🚴🏻 výlety do okolí Milovic i vojenského újezdu. 🌲 Na dosah máte rezervaci Milovická step i zábavní park Mirakulum. [Domain] => [DomainName] => Penzion Kotvas [Favicon] => Array ( [ThemeColor] => #ffffff [SafariColor] => #1a1646 [MSColor] => #1a1646 ) [Font] => Array ( [Family] => Roboto ) [Header] => Array ( [CTA] => Array ( [Name] => Poptávka [Link] => ) ) [Layout] => Array ( [Header] => header-fullscreen [Navbar] => navbar ) [Logo] => logo.svg [LogoWhite] => logo-white.svg [Map] => Array ( [GeoLink] => geo:50.2272497,14.8865025 ) [Name] => Penzion Kotvas [NameAlter] => Ubytování v penzionu Milovice u Prahy | Penzion Kotvas [OpeningHours] => Array ( [Short] => ) [ProjectId] => 10 [lang] => cz )
    [Microtime] => Array
            [Start] => 1736774022.3271
            [End] => Array
                    [functions_general] => 1736774022.3351
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                    [headers_start] => 1736774022.3479
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            [Log] => Array
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                    [headers_meta] => 0.1795
                    [headers_end] => 0.1843
                    [footer] => 0.1953


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                    [Exp] => 1800
                    [Desc] => Povolení a zrychlení přístupu k webu

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                    [Exp] => 36806400
                    [Desc] => Zajištění bezpečnosti datového provozu

            [__Secure-aauth] => Array
                    [Exp] => 8640000
                    [Desc] => Přihlášení uživatele

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                    [Desc] => Zapamatování nákupního košíku

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                    [Desc] => Zapamatování nedokončené objednávky

            [_cc] => Array
                    [Exp] => 36806400
                    [Desc] => Zapamatování souhlasu a preferencí cookies

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                    [Desc] => Zapamatování zavření vyskakovacích upozornění

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                    [Exp] => 14400
                    [Desc] => Zajištění požadavků uživatelské relace


    [cdn] => //
    [LayoutPath] => /layout/
    [DBQueries] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [time] => 0.0233 / 23.3
                    [query] => SELECT id,nazev,popis,link,altername,catimage FROM category WHERE uvodnik=''
                    [hash] => b5094ca13e284b9556e401d4e2a563e6
                    [function] => require_once
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 196
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT id,nazev,popis,link,altername,catimage FROM category WHERE uvodnik=''


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [1] => Array
                    [time] => 0.024 / 24
                    [query] => SELECT * FROM popup WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='Y' 
                    [hash] => cf7c3b34444abfb39e8bb18f7e693de3
                    [function] => LoadPopup
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3259
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT * FROM popup WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='Y' 


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3821
                                    [function] => LoadPopup
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 254
                                    [function] => getCC
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 


                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 251
                                    [function] => redirect
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] =>


                            [4] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [5] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [2] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1773 / 177.3
                    [query] => SELECT id,vuid,previd,consent 
                FROM visitors  
                WHERE ip='2600:1f28:365:80b0:845d:4869:138e:800b' AND user_agent='CCBot/2.0 (' 
                   AND DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL 400 MINUTE) > NOW() 
                ORDER BY id DESC
                LIMIT 1;
                    [hash] => 37ed970815f0181e82b5638a628016c1
                    [function] => require_once
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 688
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT id,vuid,previd,consent 
                FROM visitors  
                WHERE ip='2600:1f28:365:80b0:845d:4869:138e:800b' AND user_agent='CCBot/2.0 (' 
                   AND DATE_ADD(date, INTERVAL 400 MINUTE) > NOW() 
                ORDER BY id DESC
                LIMIT 1;


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [3] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1777 / 177.7
                    [query] => SELECT * FROM popup WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='Y' 
                    [hash] => cf7c3b34444abfb39e8bb18f7e693de3
                    [function] => LoadPopup
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3259
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT * FROM popup WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='Y' 


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 799
                                    [function] => LoadPopup
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [4] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1781 / 178.1
                    [query] => SELECT * FROM popup WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='Y' 
                    [hash] => cf7c3b34444abfb39e8bb18f7e693de3
                    [function] => LoadPopup
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3259
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT * FROM popup WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='Y' 


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3821
                                    [function] => LoadPopup
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 801
                                    [function] => getCC
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 


                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [4] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [5] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1785 / 178.5
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => LoadCategory
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 2520
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 863
                                    [function] => LoadCategory
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [6] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1794 / 179.4
                    [query] => SELECT AS id, cat1.parent AS parent, cat1.level AS level, cat1.pozice AS pozice, cat1.
              nazev AS 
              nazev, cat1.popis AS popis, cat1.altername AS altername, cat1.label AS label, cat1.
              catimage AS 
              catimage, cat1.caticon AS caticon, cat1.
              uvodnik AS 
              uvodnik, AS link, cat1.eval AS eval, cat1.layout AS layout, cat1.
              lastchange AS 
              lastchange, AS post, cat1.
              branch AS 
              branch, cat1.product AS product, cat1.dispecer AS dispecer, cat1.
              redirect AS 
              redirect, cat1.
              public AS 
              public, cat1. active AS  active, cat1. `index` AS  `index`, cat1. follow AS  follow, CONCAT_WS("<>",cat4.nazev,cat3.nazev ,cat2.nazev ,cat1.nazev ) AS ordering FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON  ORDER BY ordering,level
                    [hash] => a27fbb6832dc571f951bd9e8b37b72d3
                    [function] => LoadCategory
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 2576
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT AS id, cat1.parent AS parent, cat1.level AS level, cat1.pozice AS pozice, cat1.
              nazev AS 
              nazev, cat1.popis AS popis, cat1.altername AS altername, cat1.label AS label, cat1.
              catimage AS 
              catimage, cat1.caticon AS caticon, cat1.
              uvodnik AS 
              uvodnik, AS link, cat1.eval AS eval, cat1.layout AS layout, cat1.
              lastchange AS 
              lastchange, AS post, cat1.
              branch AS 
              branch, cat1.product AS product, cat1.dispecer AS dispecer, cat1.
              redirect AS 
              redirect, cat1.
              public AS 
              public, cat1. active AS  active, cat1. `index` AS  `index`, cat1. follow AS  follow, CONCAT_WS("<>",cat4.nazev,cat3.nazev ,cat2.nazev ,cat1.nazev ) AS ordering FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON  ORDER BY ordering,level


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 863
                                    [function] => LoadCategory
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [7] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1804 / 180.4
                    [query] => SELECT id,nazev,altername,uvodnik,popis,richtext,eval,layout,active,public,parent,level,label,`index`,follow,redirect,catimage,product,branch,dispecer
	                FROM category WHERE link='pokoje' AND (parent='10' OR parent=1) 
                    [hash] => 8a110d505489854606c0ecefa1bc76fb
                    [function] => require_once
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 1396
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT id,nazev,altername,uvodnik,popis,richtext,eval,layout,active,public,parent,level,label,`index`,follow,redirect,catimage,product,branch,dispecer
	                FROM category WHERE link='pokoje' AND (parent='10' OR parent=1) 


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [8] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1815 / 181.5
                    [query] => SELECT image FROM clanky WHERE kategorie='11' AND nadpis LIKE '%[index]%'
                    [hash] => f5259121617df02006bbf045579d0782
                    [function] => require_once
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 2349
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT image FROM clanky WHERE kategorie='11' AND nadpis LIKE '%[index]%'


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [9] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1823 / 182.3
                    [query] => SELECT * FROM branch WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='1'  ORDER BY id
                    [hash] => 5f7439e0fa6996733c515f5939eab3ca
                    [function] => LoadBranches
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 2789
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT * FROM branch WHERE id<>'0' AND  active='1'  ORDER BY id


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php
                                    [line] => 2891
                                    [function] => LoadBranches
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 2
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/headers.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [10] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1852 / 185.2
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => LoadCategory
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 2520
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/navbar-right.php
                                    [line] => 13
                                    [function] => LoadCategory
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/header-fullscreen.php
                                    [line] => 45
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/navbar-right.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 304
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/header-fullscreen.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [4] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [11] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1854 / 185.4
                    [query] => SELECT AS id, cat1.parent AS parent, cat1.level AS level, cat1.pozice AS pozice, cat1.
              nazev AS 
              nazev, cat1.popis AS popis, cat1.altername AS altername, cat1.label AS label, cat1.
              catimage AS 
              catimage, cat1.caticon AS caticon, cat1.
              uvodnik AS 
              uvodnik, AS link, cat1.eval AS eval, cat1.layout AS layout, cat1.
              lastchange AS 
              lastchange, AS post, cat1.
              branch AS 
              branch, cat1.product AS product, cat1.dispecer AS dispecer, cat1.
              redirect AS 
              redirect, cat1.
              public AS 
              public, cat1. active AS  active, cat1. `index` AS  `index`, cat1. follow AS  follow, CONCAT_WS("<>",cat4.nazev,cat3.nazev ,cat2.nazev ,cat1.nazev ) AS ordering FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON  ORDER BY ordering,level
                    [hash] => a27fbb6832dc571f951bd9e8b37b72d3
                    [function] => LoadCategory
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 2576
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT AS id, cat1.parent AS parent, cat1.level AS level, cat1.pozice AS pozice, cat1.
              nazev AS 
              nazev, cat1.popis AS popis, cat1.altername AS altername, cat1.label AS label, cat1.
              catimage AS 
              catimage, cat1.caticon AS caticon, cat1.
              uvodnik AS 
              uvodnik, AS link, cat1.eval AS eval, cat1.layout AS layout, cat1.
              lastchange AS 
              lastchange, AS post, cat1.
              branch AS 
              branch, cat1.product AS product, cat1.dispecer AS dispecer, cat1.
              redirect AS 
              redirect, cat1.
              public AS 
              public, cat1. active AS  active, cat1. `index` AS  `index`, cat1. follow AS  follow, CONCAT_WS("<>",cat4.nazev,cat3.nazev ,cat2.nazev ,cat1.nazev ) AS ordering FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON  ORDER BY ordering,level


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/navbar-right.php
                                    [line] => 13
                                    [function] => LoadCategory
                                    [args] => Array


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/header-fullscreen.php
                                    [line] => 45
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/navbar-right.php

                                    [function] => require_once

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 304
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/header-fullscreen.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [4] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 6
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [12] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1867 / 186.7
                    [query] => SELECT,nadpis,text,image,strucne 
                FROM clanky,category 
                WHERE nadpis LIKE "%index%" AND AND kategorie="11"
                    [hash] => 082dabd53ad086235ec257dae41eb75b
                    [function] => require
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php
                                    [line] => 52
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT,nadpis,text,image,strucne 
                FROM clanky,category 
                WHERE nadpis LIKE "%index%" AND AND kategorie="11"


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 93
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php

                                    [function] => require



            [13] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1883 / 188.3
                    [query] => SELECT * FROM galery WHERE id<>'0' AND parent='20' AND parentity='A' 
                    [hash] => a6e8a655069132f3ab54f547b989588b
                    [function] => LoadGallery
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3012
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT * FROM galery WHERE id<>'0' AND parent='20' AND parentity='A' 


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/showfoto.php
                                    [line] => 12
                                    [function] => LoadGallery
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 
                                            [1] => 20
                                            [2] => A


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php(155) : eval()'d code
                                    [line] => 1
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/showfoto.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php
                                    [line] => 155
                                    [function] => eval

                            [4] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 93
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php

                                    [function] => require



            [14] => Array
                    [time] => 0.189 / 189
                    [query] => SELECT * FROM fotos WHERE gal_id='1' AND smazano='N' ORDER BY ordering
                    [hash] => 1b2ec639f1c821059f3f531ccaad8631
                    [function] => LoadGallery
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_general.php
                                    [line] => 3028
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT * FROM fotos WHERE gal_id='1' AND smazano='N' ORDER BY ordering


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/showfoto.php
                                    [line] => 12
                                    [function] => LoadGallery
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 
                                            [1] => 20
                                            [2] => A


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php(155) : eval()'d code
                                    [line] => 1
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/showfoto.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php
                                    [line] => 155
                                    [function] => eval

                            [4] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 93
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/app/module/home.php

                                    [function] => require



            [15] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1922 / 192.2
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1715
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 11


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [16] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1926 / 192.6
                    [query] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'11'
                    [hash] => 33d3e322de6d7a71414a04b34f670a8d
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1728
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'11'


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 11


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [17] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1928 / 192.8
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1715
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 12


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [18] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1932 / 193.2
                    [query] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'12'
                    [hash] => 5465c3478c6fbb4c0f922f8f5c8e84fd
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1728
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'12'


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 12


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [19] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1935 / 193.5
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1715
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 13


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [20] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1938 / 193.8
                    [query] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'13'
                    [hash] => 0637d48c1c050e773974fbe84903452d
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1728
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'13'


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 13


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [21] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1941 / 194.1
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1715
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 14


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [22] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1945 / 194.5
                    [query] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'14'
                    [hash] => 71ac7760dacc7bd771d0c53245f58292
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1728
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'14'


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 14


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [23] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1947 / 194.7
                    [query] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category
                    [hash] => 07aea211d9210494f185b574512b60ec
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1715
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT MAX(level) FROM category


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 15


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require



            [24] => Array
                    [time] => 0.1951 / 195.1
                    [query] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'15'
                    [hash] => 5ec0b45b2c6794721790b1d92c66a9bb
                    [function] => findPageLocation
                    [backtrace] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/conf/functions_special.php
                                    [line] => 1728
                                    [function] => query
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => SELECT,cat4.nazev, ,,cat3.nazev, ,,cat2.nazev, ,,cat1.nazev, FROM category AS cat1 LEFT JOIN category AS cat2 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat3 ON LEFT JOIN category AS cat4 ON WHERE'15'


                            [1] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php
                                    [line] => 20
                                    [function] => findPageLocation
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => 15


                            [2] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/
                                    [line] => 57
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/addon/component/bottommenu-primary.php

                                    [function] => require

                            [3] => Array
                                    [file] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/view.php
                                    [line] => 416
                                    [args] => Array
                                            [0] => /disk_1/www/cz/penzionkotvas/www/

                                    [function] => require




    [Access] => Array
            [IsBot] => 1
            [BotAgent] => CCBot/2.0 (

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195.3 ms 25 dotazů 11 10 LandingPage cz DevOn PHP 7.3.33